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Updated About section

Hi! We are the Bloomer Family! We have been growing cut flowers, berries, and just about anything else we can get our hands on for the last 9 years! We have had great successes, and great failures(learning experiences) over time. We love nothing more than getting to share with you all that we grow in hopes that it will bring joy to you and your family, as well.

For us, getting out in nature is one of the most important things we can do for our family's well-being. We wanted to create a place to come and just be a part of the natural world. We grew our farm- Wild Berry Farm for the last nine years. It was a wonderful experience. After 2020, and lots of introspection around how the farm was able to operate during a pandemic, it made us really think about the farm, our family, and our visitors.  We also lost many of our blackberry and blueberry plants in the 2021 winter storm.  We did not want to give up on farming, because it is what we love.
A rename, and rebrand of our farm has been our ultimate answer to a lot of the questions we had for ourselves. Our ultimate goal is to give folks a relaxing retreat into nature. A more personal experience with the land. How does a sunny day on a colorful farm cutting flowers sound? 
Bloomer's Garden is the new name of our farm! We will be growing a variety of cultivated flowers and also wildflowers, as well. 
Sunflowers, zinnias, cosmos, calendula, amaranthus, tithonia, and native sunflowers will be growing on the farm this summer!
Visit the cut your own flowers page for more information about this.

Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger

Farm Mission

Our mission is to be good stewards of our lovely land. To care for the land holistically, promote wildlife habitats, protect pollinators, and diversify crops in a sustainable way. We also want to create a peaceful place for our visitors.

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